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EFA 2018

Imperial College London and the SGH Warsaw School of Economics are proud to co-host the 45th EFA Annual Meeting at the Sofitel hotel from August 22-25, 2018 in Warsaw, Poland. On Wednesday 22, the EFA Doctoral Tutorial and Doctoral Workshop will be held. In addition, there will be several social events, which will provide excellent opportunities to meet colleagues and to exchange ideas.


Thank you

Dear participants, colleagues and friends of the EFA,
The EFA 2018 officially ends and we take this opportunity to thank all of you for the support. Without the help of all involved parties, the conference would have not been a success. We therefore want to thank track chairs, reviewers, session chairs, authors, presenters, discussants, and all participants. A special thanks to our partners for the continuous and generous support.

We were thrilled to welcome over 700 participants in Warsaw and to show Poland and the city as a center of excellence. More than 400 people participated in the program as session chair, presenter or discussant. We hope that you found the conference informative and worthwhile. The primary goal of this conference was to provide an excellent academic program and opportunities to network with old and new colleagues.

Finally, we wish to offer our sincere gratitude to the 27 volunteer students from Imperial College London and SGH Warsaw School of Economics who worked hard to make this conference a success.

We hope that you enjoyed the EFA 2018 and we look forward to seeing you again next year in Carcavelos-Lisbon (August 21-24, 2019).
The EFA 2018 team


Photos online


The program

To view the program online, download the "EFA 2018" app. in Google Play, iTunes App Store or Windows Phone Store.



Doctoral Events

Submission for the EFA Doctoral Tutorial and the EFA Doctoral Workshop is closed!
Deadline for submission was March 15th, 2018 at 13:00 CET.

For detailed information and application link, visit www.european-finance.org.

The final program of the Doctoral Tutorial is avaiable here.

Doctoral Tutorial Doctoral Workshop



EFA 2018 Program Chair

Marcin Kacperczyk
EFA 2018 Program Chair
Imperial College London